What am I supposed to do?

slips of paper in public space, 2006

"The riddle remains static in its displacement - an exhibition project about imperceptibility on Thursday, September 7, 2006. The artist Stella Geppert will implement in collaboration with 30 artists a site-specific project based on imperceptibility. Between disintegration and self-assertion, the artists will explore the material aspects of the space and its surroundings and will play with situational moments at the opening."
(Stella Geppert)

The work "What am I supposed to do?/ Was soll ich tun?" was created within that context and was performed by Gert Bendel right on sight.

+491707373056 Laut singen ... +491736356398 Matthäus 7:7 ... +491791155744 Mache einen kopfstand! ... +491791155744 Sofort laut und lange schreien! ...+491635027344 Gehe in den wuergeengel. Delay possible. ... +491772306670 Isch lieb disch füs unkonkrete ... +4670733059 Vad är er adress i lund? ... +491638431012 Oasis air to hong kong, go to china and climb a montain. Read sidharthe by hesse on the way. Two weeks of solitude before moving to london and having your ass kicked into realizing what you are willing to fight for. ... +4670733059 Sell crack to mr johan Nilsson ... +491782530712 Mein Zimmer aufräumen! ... +491787139035 Stelle mehr Fragen. Und hab mich lieb. ... +491788387153 maybe you should offer a steak – mit viel Blut und square potatoes – oui! ... +491789387526 Was soll ich tun?!?

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